HC&AC/Fartown/Giants Archive

The Archive

Links to other sections in The Archive

The Next Stage

The original project is now drawing to a close. However, there are various extensions which we are investigating. The way forward will require a new team to guide it. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

Centenary Brochure

1995 Centenary Brochure

I have done extensive research to obtain permission to reproduce this material but to no avail. If anyone does know how I can obtain official sanction please contact me.
The Beginning
Harold Wagstaffe: The Prince Of Centres
The First New Zealand Touring Team
Overseas Signings
Albert Aaron Rosenfeld
Team Of All Talents
Gronow & Rogers
The Harris & Carr Fiasco
Huddersfield's Own
The Fartown Supporters Club
The Wembley Years.
Dave Valentine.
Fartown, The Barren Years
Barren Years Addendum
The Sleeping Giant Awakes
European Championship
The Departure From Fartown
1995 Premiership Final
Fartown Today

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