Women In Rugby League

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The Next Stage

The original project is now drawing to a close. However, there are various extensions which we are investigating. The way forward will require a new team to guide it. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

Huddersfield Giants heritage project is asking for help in researching local female rugby league.

Huddersfield Rugby League: A Lasting Legacy is the heritage project for Huddersfield Giants. It has been developing a variety of exciting activities over the last 12 months and is now researching local female rugby league and female involvement in rugby league itself.

With a Tolson Museum Exhibition starting in October 2013 and the publication of a book planned for 2014, both activities will include a section on recognising the development of womens rugby league, the involvement of local women in rugby league and how this has progressed over the decades.

If you have had any kind of involvement in women and girls rugby league, the project is keen to hear from you to collect photos, memorabilia, general knowledge or to maybe conduct an interview. Alternatively if you are, or know of, a local Huddersfield woman that has dedicated a great deal to rugby league at any level, trained interviewers would be keen to ask some questions about their personal involvement so this can help build a bigger picture of the impact of women in the game.

Heritage Steering group member, Laura Hanson commented ‘The first recorded date of a Huddersfield female team playing is at Odsal in April in 1980. This is in living memory which provides us with a unique opportunity to record events and developments in the sport from the very beginning. To be able to capture interviews with a variety of local people and in particular women who have dedicated a lot to rugby league is an exciting and unique prospect. Huddersfield Giants already provide some recognition to some key ‘Local Women in League’ on the community section of their website, this will allow us to take this even further ’

For anyone that can help there is an evening get-together planned on Thursday 15th August from 7pm at The Zone, off St Andrews Road, Huddersfield. Here you can bring photos, memorabilia and share your stories with others whilst the Heritage Project will take copies, collect information and host interviews.

For further information please contact laura.hanson@thezone.uk.com.

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