Children's Art and Writing Competitions

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The Next Stage

The original project is now drawing to a close. However, there are various extensions which we are investigating. The way forward will require a new team to guide it. If you would like to be involved in any way, please Contact Us.

Get Involved in an Exciting Local Heritage Competition

An exciting Children’s Art and Writing competition are two of twenty project initiatives which will run from summer 2013 to April 2014.

The competitions are based on a 12 minute story told through narration, music, sound effects and still images, about the life of Douglas Clark, a champion Huddersfield and GB rugby footballer, hero of World War 1 and all-in heavy weight wrestling champion of the world – a position achieved after being invalided out of the war in a wheelchair.

Look out for competition packs which will be distributed to schools shortly which include a photo-story disk, and the offer of an assembly showing the photostory and a summary of the competition and project which will take place to commemorate the centenary of World War 1 when 16 million people across the globe lost their life.

The competition includes:

  1. Art competition, themes include rugby league and World War 1 using based on caricature, portrait, picture stories and using collage, water colours, cartoon and a wide range of media.
  2. Writing competition includes biography, report writing and poetry for example.

The competitions are divided into 5 age groups, Year 3-4, Year 5-6, Year 7-8, Year 9-10 and Years 11-12.

Prizes include:

  • Huddersfield Rugby League book;
  • 2 sets of 50 Huddersfield Rugby League collectors cards;
  • Match tickets
  • The winning entries will be displayed as part of local rugby league exhibitions.
  • An outline of the Douglas Clark story is here.

    For more information please download:
    Douglas Clark Competitions Contents
    Douglas Clark Competition Rules
    Douglas Clark Competition Ideas

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